Gi Spanish Sheet Roofing

GI roofing sheet is short for galvanized iron roofing sheet. It is profiled with galvanized steel sheet for roofing purposes, which has been coated with zinc. The zinc coating provides the base steel protection from moisture and oxygen. According to the galvanizing process, it can be divided into hot-dip galvanized and electro-galvanized steel sheets.

The corrugated design will improve its strength so that it can withstand harsh weather conditions. The common design includes wavy shape, trapezoidal design, ribbed galvanized roof sheets, etc

Compared to other metal roofs, such as aluminum roofing sheets, GI roofing sheets price is lower. Besides, it is durable to use and can last decades. It is light in weight, which makes it easy and quick to install to reduce your costs. Therefore, we would like to say that, corrugated galvanized roofing is not very expensive. As a wholesaler of steel products, Wanzhi Steel promises to offer you the most competitive price. Just talk with us for details!

Advantages of Gi Roofing Sheets


1. Sturdy and Durable

Gi roof panels are made of quality hot-dipped Gi sheets. They combine steel strength and protective zinc coating. This makes it long-lasting and can withstand extreme weather conditions. The long service life and great strength are the primary reasons why they are popular among homeowners and investors.


2. Affordable Cost

Gi Sheet itself is more cost-effective than traditional roofing materials. Besides, it is lightweight, which makes it easy and quick to install. Also, it is durable and recyclable and requires less maintenance. All these factors make GI roofing sheets an economical option.


3. Aesthetic Appearance

Galvanized steel roofing sheet has a shiny and smooth surface. The corrugated design also looks brilliant from the outside. Besides, it has good adhesion so you paint it in different colors. Having a galvanized steel roof can easily serve an aesthetic purpose.

4. Fire-resistant Feature

Steel is a non-combustible and fire-resistant material. In addition, it is light in weight. Its lighter weight also makes it safe when there is a fire.